
Smart apps for kids

Smart apps for kids These five smart apps will be in mobile, so education will be smart for children  This increased headache for parents is becoming a way that children's attention should be levied in studying. In what way to increase the knowledge of children used to use Advance Technology. Pakistan. In today's time, more than TV and smartphones have become the means of entertainment for children. Children also spend time on smartphone at the time of studies. In such a situation, it is becoming a headache for parents, how the children's attention should be levied in studies. In what way to increase the knowledge of children used to use Advance Technology. Therefore, Experts say that in such a situation, Parents also need to be digital. Experts say that your Android phones, iPhone, tablet and iPads can be used for both of you and your child. The Internet is full of Raimes, Stories, Preservation, Songs, Various Kids App etc. which enhances the rejection

Secrets to Success on Instagram

Secrets to Success on Instagram  1. PROFILE  First impression is always important.  Therefore, if you are not going to use your own name, a catchy name, a nice / handsome profile photo :), a few lines of information about yourself and a link to your website, if you want, or a facebook profile if you wish, a good profile is a must.  If your goal is to grow your instagram account, do not hide your account.  Nobody wants to follow an account that their content does not know.  2. CONTENT  "Content is king!"  Said Bill Gates in 1996.  He didn't say it in vain :)  With millions of users on Instagram, why would people follow you?  Good photography is not enough, you have to share "VERY GOOD" photos.  Let your primary preference be vertical when uploading your photos.  Since the screen of smartphones is vertical, your photo will fill the entire screen and look more effective.  If you cannot put it vertically, put a square photo.  Never put a ho

Android for Facebook: my favorite tips and tricks

Android for Facebook: my favorite tips and tricks We are the largest social network in the world - it has over 1.5 billion users - but even if you spend a lot of time on the Facebook app, you may not have researched everything it has to offer.  We came to replace this with a comprehensive list of tips, tricks and features to discover - including how to find Wi-Fi!  The best alternatives to the Facebook app for Android  Facebook Messenger update  Highlight recent changes Yes No  Whether you're running Facebook with Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge or a reliable Google Pixel, you'll find these tips useful for ranking by your news feed, improving the security of your account, finding the best content faster, and sharing status updates more easily.  besides, more.   Manage your notifications  Suppressing updates and alerts from your friends?  You will be comfortable with hearing that Facebook actually makes certain types of notifications on and off.  Go to app settings>

8 interesting tricks Google search bar

8 interesting tricks Google search bar Google has many tremendous products that are being taken advantage  by users of all over the world, then what is the reason that Google is still known today.That is google search engine which Google is making it better with passing of time even better.   let's know Cool Tips of Google search bar.  Google search bar performs many types of tools, if you have information, then you can do many tasks only from Google search bar  1-  Calculator  Like any calculator, Google search box can do calculations with great ease, just enter and enter whatever calculations you want in the search box, the entire calculator will be in front of you - 2-Find a map  Although Google has a different features from Google Map, but you can easily search all the maps from the search box itself, you do not need to use Google Map to get simple information, if you want to know the distance of any two places. Just type ywo places name.You will get

How to Download a fb Video in my Computer - The Easy Way to Download Facebook Video

How to Download a fb Video in my Computer - The Easy Way to Download Facebook Video Facebook Video is your own fun to see, but if a video looks good and you want to download it , then it looks very difficult to. Download, but it is a little trick . Download Facebook Videos in Computer - How to Save a Video from Facebook to Your Computer Facebook Video is a simple way to download on a computer.Right Click on  that  video which you want to download on the Facebook ., right click on it . Right click on it and click on Show video URL, you will see the video URL above, copy it from the keyboard.  Now , paste this copied video URL into your Chrome browser. After pasting, type m in the video URL instead of www and enter After this facebook mobile version will open on your desktop.  Now right click on the video and click on Save Vedio as .. and wherever you save the video, you will be able to save this video in MP4 format.