12 ways to make money on Facebook, teach you how to make $ 3,000 a month

12 ways to make money on Facebook, teach you how to make $ 3,000 a month

12 ways to make money on Facebook, teach you how to make $ 3,000 a month

Facebook is the world ’s number one social media platform, so it ’s easy to see how people want to learn how to make money from Facebook.

At the beginning of 2018, Facebook already had more than 2 billion active monthly users, adding 500,000 users every day.

 After the video streaming site YouTube and the search engine giant Google, it ranked third among the most visited sites.

 Facebook bridges the gap between living countries.

 It gives small companies the opportunity to build a larger audience without having to pay large sums of money to compete with large companies.

 Ask any marketer or business owner and they will say that the potential of chasing potential customers, winning new customers and ultimately making money from Facebook has always been the future of this social media platform.  In fact, 30% of marketers believe that Facebook offers the highest return on investment in digital advertising.

 But if you are just a normal Facebook user looking for ways to make money online, can Facebook be your money-making platform?

 The simple answer is yes!

 How is this done:

 12 ways to make money through Facebook account

 You can make money through your Facebook account.

 It doesn't even need to be a business account.

 Ordinary personal accounts will do.

 The following are 12 methods:

 1. Sell anything on Facebook Marketplace

 Facebook created a market for people to sell pre-purchased or brand new products.

 Since other Facebook users can filter items based on location, category or keyword, you can take advantage of many Facebook users and sell to interested parties.

 With a few exceptions, Facebook allows its users to sell anything in the sun.

 You really put in more effort than putting things from the past on Craigslist.  Since the market can easily become crowded, you must add attractive titles and descriptions of high-quality pictures.

 The amount of money you earn from selling on the Facebook Marketplace depends on the number of items you list, how active you are in marketing, and whether you use Marketplace on another platform.

 2. Generate leads

 Facebook spent millions of dollars hiring experts to build a reliable algorithm and search engine.

 Coupled with the social media giant, people of all ages spend countless hours on Facebook.

 Enterprises can definitely use the platform to generate potential customers.

 When I say business, this may mean:

  •  A plumber looks for ordinary customers in the local area.
  • An owner of an online store with poor sales,
  • Wedding photographers seeking new clients,.
  • Marketing agencies try to find other businesses that need their services

 Or any other type of business, regardless of size.

 Because Facebook can be so personalized (because we enter our location, where we eat, what hobbies we have, what we look at, etc.), companies can easily target potential customers.

 Customers can also easily find specific businesses.

 You can bring new customers to your business without spending a penny of advertising.  You can choose to create a Facebook page, establish contact on a Facebook group, or just use keywords correctly when posting status in your profile.

 This method does not immediately make you money, but it is passive income (I think it is much better).

 3. Affiliate Marketing

 In short, affiliate marketing involves the promotion of other people ’s products in order to get a commission from each sale.  You can do this on your Facebook wall, in groups you create, or even on pages you manage.

 Unless you hire someone to do the work for you, there is no investment cash involved.

 But if you are promoting products and services all the time in the world, then affiliate marketing can serve you.

 If you are a novice, here is how you can make money from Facebook through affiliate marketing:

 Register for the affiliate program.

 Find products from these sites.  Make sure you choose a specific niche market, and your Facebook page or group will focus on this.

 Whenever someone clicks on the link you shared and purchase from a third-party website, please wait for your commission (about 5% to 25%).

 Don't know what product to promote?  Check some of my affiliate marketing niche suggestions.

 4. Close Messenger discount

 Whether you are selling products on the Facebook Marketplace or looking for new customers on groups and pages, you must talk to people to complete the transaction.

 Facebook once built its messaging application Messenger into a social media platform.

 Now, these two are separate apps, which means that only people with Messenger (but no Facebook account) can still participate.

 As a business person, this means you have more opportunities to talk to people and complete transactions online.  Messenger provides some privacy, so you can sell to everyone, or you can negotiate transactions with as many people or businesses as possible.

 5. Earn income from sponsors and advertisements

 A popular Facebook page or group can attract sponsors.

 If the niche is correct, and you think that the campaign fully matches the focus of your page / group, then you can not only help your followers by recommending products / services, but also get paid.

 According to the agreed terms, sponsorship can be a one-time advertisement, a one-week campaign, pay per post, etc.  Therefore, the income you get from sponsorship will also be different.

 6. Charge subscription fee

 If you charge a membership fee or subscription fee, you can make money from Facebook.

 There is currently no clear Facebook policy on membership fees, but in June 2018, Facebook announced on its blog that group administrators can start charging a monthly fee of $ 4.99 to $ 29.99 to obtain exclusive membership for certain groups  Eligibility (It is reported that FB will not decrease).

 Of course, your Facebook group must have thousands of fans, and the content in that group is as valuable as the subscription fee you plan to charge.

 7. Become a Facebook master

 Facebook has many features that even daily users have not explored.

 You can provide services to all Facebook owners and guide them how to:

 Find new customers

 Communicate with existing customers

 Create promotions and advertising campaigns

 Conduct polls and surveys

 Conduct marketing activities

 …there are more.

 Monetizing Facebook knowledge is not illegal, so you are free to take advantage of many Facebook features, analysis tools and ready-to-use audiences on the platform.

 8. Get Job Management Facebook

 For those who like stability, you can make money from Facebook by applying for social media management jobs.

 Depending on your work, you can manage Facebook pages, groups or even just one person's official profile.  This work usually requires replying to messages, updating the status of each account, and processing marketing activities where applicable.

 Not sure if you are suitable for this job?  If you have at least 7 of these 10 characteristics of an effective social media manager, then you may become a killer of Facebook managers.

 9. Collect donations

 Although collecting donations cannot really be regarded as a stable income, it is still a legal way to make money from Facebook.

 You don't even need to be famous to use Facebook as a promotional channel.  You only need to create useful, inspiring, relevant, interesting or interesting content to attract as many people as possible to your Facebook.

 The goal is to encourage your Facebook fans to make voluntary contributions, because the information, art, jokes, photos, videos and other content you share are worth it.

 10. Create a list

 If your income depends heavily on your online activities, you will know the importance of building an email list.

 Through a large number of readily available emails, you can provide products and services, collect feedback, and communicate directly with your target audience.

 Businesses can benefit from the list because this list will include existing customers and potential customers.

 Online marketers create large lists, sell campaigns to third-party customers, and use these lists to target customer-specific audiences.

 11. Sell your page or group

 Although Facebook technically has every account, page, and group on the platform, if you sell web pages, groups, or personal accounts that you manage, you can still get huge salaries.

 Who would buy such a thing?

 Actually many people and businesses.

 This is especially true for established Facebook accounts, pages and content-rich groups with thousands of active followers.

 For example, a fashion brand like Victoria Secret can buy an FB group about summer fashion and use the group to provide immediate feedback on pre-launch projects.  Because companies no longer need to hire the services of third-party investigative agencies, this can save thousands of dollars immediately.

 Be careful when trying to sell Facebook accounts.  As we all know, scammers use PayPal refund switch to hijack these attributes.

 If possible, you can even rent Facebook pages by selling "state space" to interested parties.  You can request $ 100 for a pop music to promote a brand on your FB group or page.

 12. Become a Facebook video creator

 One of the best examples of Facebook video.creators is Nuseir Yassin, the travel video blog behind "Nas Daily".  On this page, Nas posted a 1-minute video clip of a place or theme and promised to do so for 1,000 days.

 Unlike other video blogs that choose YouTube, Nas only uses Facebook.  His popularity on the platform earned him considerable income through consulting, sponsoring product videos, advertisements, speeches, film photography work and merchandising


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